
Bidder Tools Features

Bidder Tools Features

Which Element of Bidder Tools Interests You?

  • Advanced Data Scraping
  • Exhaustive Integrated Search
  • Secure User Login
  • High-Speed Bulk Bidding
  • Flexible Operating Requirements
  • Extensive Results Filtering

Data Scraping

Our advanced data scraping system utilizes an integrated search building services within the software. With all the variables of an eBay search, and more including recall filtering, our users can quickly build a search. Get ready to produce high-quality data, ready for analysis, in mere minutes from your own computer.


  • Capable of fetching at least 400 listings a second.
  • Export results in seconds.
  • Ability to analyze a range of listing variables.
  • Simple export process.
  • Powerful search filtering.
  • Save search ability.

Step-by-Step Data Scraping on Bidder Tools

Our bidding feature uses the same initial process, including our exhaustive integrated search and extensive results filter, as the data scraping facility . - Upon the launch of Bidder Tools, users will be presented with the search building screen. Enter the desired URL for scraping or use our advanced eBay search building feature to create a search quickly within the program. - Once the search has been finalized the user is presented with a button to scrape the listings from the desired search. Our software can handle any search size and will fetch thousands of listings in seconds which is then presented on a results screen. - The results screen presents all the listings found in a search. We have developed a unique, and powerful, filtering mechanism to quickly highlight desired listings. All variables, such as bid count, price or listing type, can be utilized when making rules. Once the rules have been set, the program will automatically highlight all listings matching the rules (or not matching if required). - When the required listings are highlighted simply click export to download the required information. As all the listing details have already been analyzed producing a report is near instantaneous.

Bulk Bidding

After extensive research on eBay tools for buyers, we have discovered a significant gap in the market for buyers who require a bulk bidding facility. As all eBay users will know, auctions are great for getting good deals however hammer prices can vary significantly, even for identical items, so it is imperative to bid on multiple auctions to ensure you get your item at the price you want. Whether you are a collector, looking for great deals on your missing collectables, or a professional reseller, requiring a constant stream of incoming stock at healthy prices, a high-speed bulk bidding facility is a must. Our unique software is the only on the market providing such a service.


  • Capable of fetching at least 400 listings a second.
  • High-speed bidding processing multiple listings a second.
  • Powerful search filtering.
  • Save search ability.
  • Accessible user interface for ease of use.

Step-by-Step Bulk Bidding on Bidder Tools

Our bidding feature uses the same initial process, including our exhaustive integrated search and extensive results filter, as the data scraping facility . - Upon the launch of Bidder Tools, users will be presented with the search building screen. Enter the desired URL for scraping or use our advanced eBay search building feature to create a search quickly within the program. - Once the search has been finalized the user is presented with a button to scrape the listings from the desired search. Our software can handle any search size and will fetch thousands of listings in seconds which is then presented on a results screen. - The results screen presents all the listings found in a search. We have developed a unique, and powerful, filtering mechanism to quickly highlight desired listings. All variables, such as bid count, price or listing type, can be utilized when making rules. Once the rules have been set, the program will automatically highlight all listings matching the rules (or not matching if required). - When the required listings are highlighted simply enter the bid required in the bid expression box then begin the automated bidder. Our bidder can rapidly go through thousands of listings, with user adjustable speed settings, to allow our system to run on the oldest of computers whilst ensuring users on fast machines can harness all available processing power.

Integrated Search

Our special integrated search feature allows users to build a search directly within the program rather than directly inputting the search URL from eBay. Our comprehensive search variable offering allows users to work with all the features of the normal eBay search whilst offering a handful of additional options not normally offered on the eBay website.


Boast your efficiency. Rather than navigating to the eBay website, creating a new search then copying the URL to eventually paste into your software, you can do it all from within the Bidder Tools environment. For our users, this cuts down on the time taken to perform a search in turn boasting your efficiency. In the business world, only an efficient operation can grow – we can help you with that.

Offers a large array of variables

  • Search Term
  • Category
  • Listing Type
  • Item Condition
  • Listing Sort-By Variables
  • Minimum & Maximum Prices
  • Listing Location (Local, Worldwide etc)
  • Distance from determinable Address
  • Collection Only & Free Shipping Only Filters
  • eBay Site
  • Recall Filtering


Launch the Bidder Tools software application.

Upon the loading of the software, the first page displayed is the eBay Search settings.

Navigate to the top of the page which displays the search building bar and enter the required special search requirements.

Once the search has been built, click the green ‘Run Scrape’ button directly underneath the search variables bar on the left-hand side of the program window.

Software Requirements

We have developed our software to ensure as many systems as possible can benefit from our powerful tools.

How to modify the processing load of Bidder Tools

We allow the user to edit the number of pages scraped and the number of bids undertaken at the same time. For slower systems one can reduce this to help prevent the software crashing from exceeding hardware capabilities. Alternatively, for faster systems one can increase these to improve scrape and bidding time without compromising reliability.

Navigate to the top bar on Bidder Tools and select Scrape Setting.

Modify the number of pages scraped using the first box on the left (the system can reliably scrape up to 40 pages on modern standard office laptops).

Modify the number of bids undertaken simultaneously using the Max Works settings box (most systems can deal with at least 10).

Secure eBay Login

Unlike other software, your eBay login details are entered locally on your computer and are never transmitted to any of our servers. Your security will benefit from our desktop-based software design unlike many other eBay tools.

Why is this important?

Similar solutions to Bidder Tools utilize an internet-based browser system rather than a normal program. Browser-based programs by design need to receive all their instructions and transmit all interactions over the internet from you to the program servers.

Protect Your Login Details: This means your eBay login details, which are required for such programs to bid, need to be shared over the internet too. This inherently increases security risks with malicious actors potentially intercepting the data as it makes its way over the internet. Additionally, the operators of the web-based programs will need to store your login details on their servers. As the user, you have no idea what level of security is employed by these businesses with any leak potentially leading to malicious actors gaining access to your eBay account and associated payment details.

Bidder Tools Runs Locally: Our system is not a browser-based program with all code run directly from your PC. As a result, the only interaction you have over the internet is with eBay directly – we don’t need your login details and under no circumstances is your password data transmitted to us. We keep security at the forefront of our product.

How to login to eBay on our system:

It’s simple:

  • You will be directed to login on the first launch of the software. A pop-up tab will open directly to the eBay login page for you to enter your details.
  • After entering your details, the software will ensure the details are correct then save your details, as an eBay session, or open a new request.
  • Your eBay session is saved locally on your PC so you will not need to reenter your password when relaunching the software (a session generally lasts about a month – once expired you will be prompted to enter your details again).
  • Your details are only ever transmitted to eBay in the same manner as you would normally when logging in online and are never sent to us. We also only save your eBay session on your PC, rather than the full password, to ensure if any malicious actors gain access to your system they are not able to uncover your login information.

Results Filtering

Once you have built your eBay search, you can use our powerful and heavily customizable resulting filtering system to select the listings on the search to bid on without manually selecting or deselecting listings like many other programs.

What can your results filtering do?

Our integrated eBay search helps users perform a quick filter before listings are loaded into the Bidder Tools software suite. After scraping, our results filtering kicks in giving users a powerful selection of variables to help our users perform precision bidding or data scraping.

Powerful Filtering: When placing bids, the number of existing bids often directly influences how much you wish to bid yourself. Our filtering can remove listings from the bidding group which have a set bid value. For example users can select listings with no bids on and enter a low bid. Or, for data scrapers, you can determine popular products by sorting listings with a large number of bids.

Extensive Variables: It is not just the number of bids our system can filter, users can also filter out by postage (removing collection only listings for example) or any other variables displayed on the Bidder Tools main screen.

Powerful Functions: With less than, greater than, equal to and not equal to we give our users great, unparalleled, flexibility. Don’t get bogged down in simplistic rigid systems our competitors offer.

How to use the results filtering system To use our filtering you must first populate the software product table by performing a listing scrape. Once populated, our filtering system can begin work. Select the variables you wish to filter on the filtering tab. Select the required function (such as equal to or greater than) and the filtering term. Our system will now undertake the task and display the filtered results in the listing table below. To select all the listings navigate to the drop-down menu and click on the select all filtered listings button. Our system can undertake as many consecutive filtering functions as is required by the user. With our system you can quickly narrow down the listings you want reducing bidding errors and time wasted on unwanted listings.